Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.

Knirpsenstadt model - Reprint

Card model "Knirpsenstadt"
(tykes' town) by Richard Hambach

Information about the model

Contents: 4 booklets A4 with 16 pages each; every booklet has 6 multicolor sheets and a map
Editor: Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK) e.V.
Publisher: Aue Verlag Möckmühl
Year: 2017
Price:  EUR 19.90 (incl. VAT), plus shipping and handling
ISBN: 978-3-87029-357-4
Size of the model: 82,5 x 58,5 x 8,5 cm
Parts: 514

Ordering ONLY at: online or in the shop:
Norbert Meier
Ravensberger Str. 49
33602 Bielefeld
Tel. 0521 121789

Additional information: Pictures and detailed description; an article by Guido Weißhahn about this card board model has appeared in: "Zur Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus", vol. 14, 2014, page 17ff (read the first page of the article as an example).

Advance (promotional) model

The AGK hands this model out at events and trade fairs, as an appetizer: The "ABC house" is an enlarged example taken out of tykes' town. This promotional sheet was also handed out before the original publication to make the project known in advance. The following images show the built ABC house. You can see the sliding lever in the front door; moving it up nd down changes the background of the front windows.
Gegen eine Unkostenerstattung von EUR 4,00 kann dieser Bogen auch verschickt werden, Bestellungen bitte an


End of September 2017, about 50 years after the original publication, we published all 4 parts of the card model "Knirpsenstadt" by Richard Hambach, in honor of his 100th birthday.
Also included is a supplement with a background information about the model and the designer Richard Hambach. We would like to thank the Verlag für Lehrmittel Pößneck for their kind permission.
The "tykes' town" was originally published in 4 parts of 16 pages each in 1968 (part 1 and 2) and 1969 (part 3 and 4) by Verlag Rudolf Forkel KG, Pössneck. Die Bogen wurden nicht digitalisiert (d.h. die Linien nachgezogen), sondern so gedruckt wie konstruiert. Nur altersbedingte Gilbungen des Papiers wurden beseitigt.

This is a model that is not just meant to be built, but to play with it. It has dice and board games, a quartet game, and several buildings you can turn, push or pull to achieve interesting optical or mecahnical effects: Windows change, a fire truck leaves its garage, or a furniture mover brings a box out of the warehouse. On top of that you can disassemble the town easily so you can stow the model away until you bring it out again to assemble it for the next play.

The images below show what the assembled model looks like. The top row shows the 4 basic parts (each about A3 size), below that there are model details and single buildings. You can click the left or right margin to go forward or back, click "close" to end the show.

Mr. André Sehm from Dresden has constructed a lot of small cars, lorrys, busses and other - fitting the size of the "Knirpsenstadt". Some of his constructions you can see at the special page Cars of Knirpsenstadt. The AGK thanks Mr. Sehm for the permission to publish these pictures.



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